Chances are, you’ve heard of Family Fleet Insurance. But how much do you really know about it? Simply put, Family Fleet Insurance offers a convenient, cost-effective and flexible solution for multiple drivers/vehicles.


Whether you’re struggling to get a younger member of the family insured, or are looking for a more affordable way to insure multiple vehicles, Family Fleet Insurance offers many benefits you may not have considered.


Is Family Fleet Insurance Right for Me?

If your family operates more than one vehicle (or intends to in future), Family Fleet Insurance could be the perfect option. Here are some of the reasons to give this excellent product serious consideration:


Family Fleet Insurance, Benefit #1: Flexibility

When it comes to Family Fleet Insurance, one thing is certain – you’ll enjoy unprecedented flexibility! This multi-vehicle policy covers any combination of vehicles: from family cars to motorbikes, and even horse boxes, classic cars, and commercial vehicles. Driving Other Cars/Vehicles cover is also available on a Comprehensive or Third Party basis. And, as an additional bonus, the policy extends to include foreign use – up to 45 days free of charge.


Family Fleet Insurance, Benefit #2: Convenience

For most people, life is more hectic than ever – with many plates spinning all at once, particularly when trying to coordinate family commitments, a variety of schedules, and more! Family Fleet Insurance takes one stress off the list, with just one premium, one renewal date and one flexible policy covering all vehicles for family members residing at the same address. So you only have one thing to remember!


There’s no need to take out separate insurance for business-related driving, either: this policy can include business use (if needed). Not sure what your ongoing requirements will be? No problem – there’s no need to decide right now. Vehicles can be added during the first year as they are due.


Family Fleet Insurance, Benefit #3: Cost-Effective

With Family Fleet Insurance, you’ll benefit from substantial cost reductions immediately – and the higher the number of vehicles in relation to drivers, the greater the cost savings. You have the option to reduce premiums further by paying a higher excess, if this is of interest. In addition, there are other savings that are built right in (such as unlimited windscreen protection).


Don’t Forget About No Claims Bonus…

You would be forgiven for thinking that Family Fleet Insurance might not cater for NCB – but you’d be wrong! Each driver will earn NCB in their own name and the policy can offer bonus protection. Win-win!


Choose Cherry Godfrey for Family Fleet Insurance

Here at Cherry Godfrey, we’re passionate about insurance (in case you couldn’t tell!); but we appreciate that, for most families, choosing and purchasing insurance can be a hassle. We aim to take all the stress out of the process for our clients. Our experience gives us access to the very best policies on the market, and our expertise – and dedication to customer care – will help us find the right cover to suit you.


With Family Fleet Insurance, you can tailor cover to individual vehicles, whilst benefiting from substantial savings, flexibility, and the convenience of insuring all your vehicles in one go. Whatever your requirements, we’ll do our best to accommodate them – so do get in touch today to discuss your family’s needs.

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