Name: Joan Mwangi


Company Role: Mortgage & Life Administrator


Favourite quote or saying: ‘If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door’ - Milton Berle.


Hi Joan, lovely to get a chance to talk with you properly. To kick off, could you tell us a little about your background? 

Hello! Well, I have now worked in the insurance industry for over seven years: namely group life insurance, critical illness, income protection, work injury benefits and pension. At Cherry Godfrey I’m a Mortgage & Life Administrator, which I really enjoy.


What was your first job, and what did you learn from it? 

Pension Administrator. I learned many things, but most of all that planning for retirement is vital.


What makes someone a great leader?

Emotional intelligence.

Tell us about the biggest challenge you've ever faced at work - how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced has been the need to work to really tight deadlines yet still produce exceptional quality (even when turnaround times were very short). Fortunately, it’s a challenge we’ve conquered: we always deliver on time and to a high standard. To overcome this it was crucial to find quicker ways of collating information that did not affect the quality of work.


Name one thing you love about Cherry Godfrey?

Family is at the heart of everything we do.

What daily habits help you succeed?

Meditating; taking walks; planning my daily activities.


If you were able to invite any three people round for dinner (living or dead), who would you choose – and why?

My parents and nephew. They fill my heart with delight!


And, finally, what do you enjoy doing when you are not working?  

Reading novels; painting; hiking.


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