Name: Bernice Saunders

Company Role: Marketing Executive


Favourite quote or saying:  Be yourself, everybody else is taken.


Hi Bernice! Can you please tell us a little bit about your background, and what brought you to Cherry Godfrey?  


I’ve always loved English and studied English and Creative writing at university, going on to complete a Master’s Degree in Screenwriting. After completing my studies, I worked in the social media and digital space for an advertising agency for nearly two years before deciding that I wanted a more well-rounded marketing experience, wanting to try out all different areas instead of focusing on just one, which is what lead me to Cherry Godfrey.


Fantastic! What was your first job, and what did you learn from it? 


My first job was as a student temp at Butterfield Bank, where I was given the opportunity to assist in the Marketing Department. The team allowed me to explore all sorts of different areas, and I learned a lot about working independently, taking ownership of projects, how to present myself and my work and how to work with others in a professional environment.


What do you think makes someone a great leader?


I think that a great leader is someone supportive. They will allow you to thrive by offering help and guidance whilst, at the same time, not micromanaging. They will use their experience and expertise to help you learn and grow.


Could you tell us about the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced at work? How did you overcome it?

All of the important deadlines seem to come at once! There have been times when suddenly everything was needed straight away, which felt a little overwhelming. By being organised and level-headed, focusing on one task at a time, I’ve found it easier to prioritise and get everything done promptly.


That sounds like a great way to manage workflow. Could you tell us one thing you love about working at Cherry Godfrey?


The people here are all so kind and supportive. Whatever ideas I have or new things I want to try, the team are more than happy to hear me out and are on hand to help me succeed. It’s great to have the freedom to try new things and come up with new ideas, knowing that the team will support me in whatever way they can.


Absolutely. Could you share what daily habits help you succeed?


To-do-lists. I find these essential to making sure everything that needs to get done, gets done! I know some people are good at keeping tasks in their heads, but, with so many exciting things happening every day, I need it written down. Every morning, I look over my to-do list and make sure it is up to date and I add to it throughout the day, ticking things off as and when they are done, I’ve found this helps me to keep on top of everything.


Ticking things off is so satisfying! If you were able to invite any three people round for dinner (living or dead), who would you choose – and why?


I would choose Stephen King as he is my favourite author - I’d love to discuss his writing and his process. Jane Austen as I think she was an incredible writer and I would love to have the chance to talk to her about what her life was like. For the third person, I just think I’d love a family member or friend to be there, as I always have so much fun with them.


Lovely! And, finally, what do you enjoy doing when you are not working?  

When I’m not working, I love meeting up with friends and family, going on walks, writing, reading, playing with my two dogs and watching films and TV.

Thanks so much for sitting down with us Bernice!

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