Name: Samanta  


Company Role: Trainee Personal Lines Broker  


Favourite quote or saying:  Nobody is you and that is your power.  


Thanks for sitting down with us Samanta! Firstly, would you be able to please tell us a bit about your background and what brought you to Cherry Godfrey?   


Alexander Daniels, my recruiter, previously offered me the opportunity to come to Cherry Godfrey for an interview. In that instance they found someone with insurance experience, however, after a few weeks, Cherry Godfrey contacted them  to say that they would like to see me again but for a different role that would be more suitable for me.


That sounds like fate to us! Could you tell us what your first job was?


I worked for Sovereign Trust in Guernsey for two years doing office administration.


What would you say makes someone a great leader? 


When they are positive and encouraging - in good times and bad. Good leaders bring out the best in their employees by encouraging them to be their very best.  


Agreed! Could you please tell us about the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced at work and how you overcame it?


In my previous role as an office administrator, I had clients screaming down the phone at me. I found that the best thing to do was to apologise to them and try to put them through to the relevant person.


Can you name one thing you love about Cherry Godfrey?


I love my team and everyone in the building - everyone who works here is so lovely!


That’s wonderful to hear. What daily habits help you succeed?


I prioritise self–care, even when things are difficult. I ensure consistency by setting achievable goals.


If you were able to invite any three people round for dinner (living or dead), who would you choose – and why?


My grandad, as I didn’t get to say my last goodbye before he died during Covid. My dad, as I haven’t seen him in years – and he used to get on with my grandad. Finally, probably my mum, as she’s my world.  


And, finally, what do you enjoy doing when you are not working?   


I love spending time with my friends and family! I am always up for anything, as I am an outgoing person and don’t like to get bored.

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